BIA Board Election
Who can be a Board Member
Important Clauses from the Municipal Act that apply to Business Improvement Areas. Taken from the Ontario Municipal Act (section 204)
Composition (3) A board of management shall be composed of, (a) one or more directors appointed directly by the municipality; and (b) the remaining directors selected by a vote of the membership of the improvement area and appointed by the municipality. 2001, c. 25, s. 204 (3).
Membership (4) Members of an improvement area consist of persons who are assessed, on the last returned assessment roll, with respect to rateable property in the area that is in a prescribed business property class and tenants of such property. 2001, c. 25, s. 204 (4).
Duties/Responsibilities of a Board Member
Time Expectations and Term
Important Clauses from the Municipal Act that apply to Business Improvement Areas. Taken from the Ontario Municipal Act (section 204)
Term (10) The term of the directors of a board of management is the same as the term of the council that appointed them but continues until their successors are appointed. 2001, c. 25, s. 204 (10).
Reappointment (11) Directors are eligible for reappointment. 2001, c. 25, s. 204 (11).
Vacancies (12) Subject to subsection (9), if a vacancy occurs for any cause, the municipality may appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term and the appointed person is not required to be a member of the improvement area. 2001, c. 25, s. 204 (12).
Contact BIA Office
100 Sparks Street, suite 200,
Ottawa ON K1P 5B7